
From This Might Be A Wiki

Hi, I like tmbg. My twin, who is 13, loves them too. I collect records, and cds. I’m in South Carolina as of now. I knew them when I was 5 years old watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and I didn’t notice they recorded the theme song and the end song, I watched DFB and the Here Comes… series when I was 5, when I was 7 I listened to Istanbul. Then when I was 11, i discovered the wiki that you are on as of now.

My TMBG Collection[edit]

Withfreinds's Collection
Beast Of HornsLong Tall WeekendMy Murdered RemainsThey Might Be Giants (Album)
TMBW Userboxes
Lots of sevens.jpg This user's house is full of babels.

Tmbgnumber1.jpg They Might Be Giants is this user's favorite band.

Flans45 2.jpg This user's favorite John is John Flansburgh.

Asbury Park 45.JPG This user's favorite Venue Song is Asbury Park.

PinkAlbum.png This user's favorite album is They Might Be Giants.
Drums 45.gif This user plays drums.

Miller 45.jpg This user's favorite band member is Dan Miller.

StateSongsStates.png This user lives in a State Songs state.

Vancouver 45.JPG This user's favorite Venue Song is Vancouver.

85demotape 45px.gif This user's favorite album is 1985 Demo Tape.
VID This user's favorite TMBG video is Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head.

This user uses They/them pronouns.

Nanobots.png This user's favorite album is Nanobots.
Glasgow 45.JPG This user's favorite Venue Song is Glasgow.

FAV This user's favorite TMBG song is I Haven't Been Right Yet.

FAV This user's favorite TMBG song is We Just Go Nuts At Christmastime.

{{{Box Text}}} This user’s favorite Venue Song is


DAS ad.png This user's favorite Dial-A-Song songs are We Just Go Nuts At Christmastime and Swing Is A Word.

This user consumes empty onion rings and feels like a weed.

PinkAlbum.png This user owns the album They Might Be Giants
Murdered Remains LP.png This user owns the album My Murdered Remains


JL This user loves John Linnell hates John Linnell