
From This Might Be A Wiki

I don't really know what to put here, but you can always AOL-IM me at AdolescentRasmus or Yahoo! Message me at SoaDyPOP36. My e-mail is

Favorite Songs: New York City, Why Does The Sun Shine?, Fingertips, Four Of Two, Hovering Sombrero, Lie Still, Little Bottle, Words Are Like, They Got Lost (Song), Mr. Me, Hot Cha.

Favorite Albums: Lincoln, Flood, Mink Car, They Got Lost.

I own: Lincoln, Flood, Apollo 18, Mink Car, Dial-A-Song: 20 Years Of They Might Be Giants, No!, Best Of The Early Years, Bed, Bed, Bed (Book), Gigantic, TMBG Clock Radio, Direct From Brooklyn

I say a bit about TMBG on my online journal at Read my July 3 entry about the TMBG concert I went to on July 2!!!