
From This Might Be A Wiki
TMBW Userboxes
StateSongsStates.png This user lives in a State Songs state.

This user is 17 years old.

FAN This user became a TMBG fan in 2023.

Flood.png This user's favorite album is Flood.
Factoryshowroom.jpg This user's favorite album is Factory Showroom.
Flood.png This user is a filthy Floodie.


LYR This user's favorite TMBG lyric is: They Might Be Giants brand new album Flood!

LYR This user's favorite TMBG lyric is: Minimum Wage! Hyah!

Fm45.png This user has a page.

WEB This user has a website.

Hi! I'm Nifty, and use they/them pronouns. I'm not a HUGE They Might Be Giants fan like most of you guys; I'm more of a "Floodie-in-denial" if you will. I haven't listened to all of Their albums yet, but here's my ranking so far. Keep in mind, Flood and Factory Showroom are the only ones I've listened to more than once. And I've listened to them a LOT. Like, play the end of Birdhouse and I'll immediately start hearing Lucky Ball & Chain in my head.

  1. Flood
  2. Factory Showroom
  3. Apollo 18
  4. John Henry
  5. The Spine
  6. Lincoln
  7. The Pink Album

TMBG are awesome, but they have yet to become my #1. So, here's a list of my top 5 bands/artists, and my favorite album and song from each.

  1. "Weird Al" Yankovic (Running with Scissors, Albuquerque)
  2. Lemon Demon (Damn Skippy, Subtle Oddities)
  3. Logan Whitehurst & the Junior Science Club (Goodbye My 4-Track, Do The Confusion)
  4. They Might Be Giants (Flood, All of them)
  5. Nuclear Bubble Wrap (Problem Attic, Problem Attic)

44nifty's Collection
AlmanacFactory ShowroomFloodJohn Henry Demos