
From This Might Be A Wiki

Fan Recaps and Comments:

There was an audience member seated in the right area (from my perspective as an audience member) on the second floor who kept going "Minimum Wage!" with varying rates of success at getting the audience to reply "YAH!!".


the audience was quite chatty at this show. people kept requesting songs. the guy next to me said "last train to clarksville"? like the monkees song?? it was a great show though. why does the sun shine was so good! and I've wanted to see stellub live for so long! it was awesome how many people were singing along to it  :)

From ByrdLawyer - This was a great venue and a great show. Hadn't seen the band in over 20 years. There was a group in the balcony who were having a blast dancing and singing to every song. I had a blast!