
From This Might Be A Wiki
TMBW Userboxes

22 This user is 22 years old
This user's pronouns are she/her

SHO This user has attended the following shows.

Fm45.png This user has a page.

SV This user has rated the following songs.

Flansburgh 45.gif This user's favorite John is John Flansburgh.

i <3 CDs[edit]

collection, sorted by format


  • lincoln
  • flood
  • istanbul (not constantinople)
  • apollo 18
  • john henry
  • back to skull
  • severe tire damage
  • mink car <3
  • nanobots
  • glean
  • i like fun
  • BOOK
  • state songs

digital download

  • pink album
  • almanac
  • first album live
  • flood live in australia
  • my murdered remains
  • the escape team
  • the pamphlet


  • pink album
  • state songs


  • direct from brooklyn
  • gigantic
  • them aint big eye ants (the fucked up version 😏)
  • live in berlin

Delightful-little-egg's Collection
AlmanacApollo 18Back To SkullBOOKDirect From BrooklynFirst Album LiveFloodFlood Live In AustraliaGigantic (A Tale Of Two Johns)GleanI Like FunIstanbul (Not Constantinople) (EP)John HenryLincolnLive In BerlinMink CarMy Murdered RemainsNanobotsPhone PowerSevere Tire DamageState SongsState SongsThe Escape TeamThe Pamphlet EPThem Ain't Big Eye AntsThey Might Be Giants (Album)