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11 wikians attended: Bangs Eitingon Gatorflyer HerRoyalFlyness Jfailes Mistryl Morningsidemom Oliveirach Retrac RLJohYouDid SenSurroun
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- Facebook gallery by Jeff Failes
- Hot Dog! (intro, over PA)
- Alphabet of Nations
- I Never Go To Work
- Meet The Elements
- One Dozen Monkeys
- Bed Bed Bed
- The Famous Polka
- Pirate Girls Nine
- Doctor Worm
- Roy G. Biv
- I Am A Paleontologist
- Clap Your Hands
- Kids Go!
- What Is A Shooting Star? (The Avatars Of They)
- Stalk of Wheat (The Avatars Of They)
- High Five!
- Why Does The Sun Shine?
- Particle Man
- Older
- Electric Car
- Graveyard
- Seven
They Might Be Giants
Hard Rock Live in Orlando, FL
February 28, 2010 at 3:00 PM
Fan Recaps and Comments:
- I just wanted to say that my two sons and I totally rocked out at the Orlando show. It was amazing. My kids knew every word to every song - it was such a big deal for them. Anyway, I gushed madly about it here at my blog and thought I'd share.
- Come back to Florida again!