From This Might Be A Wiki
< Shows
2 wikians attended: The bone Vwfreak42
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- Older
- Boss Of Me
- I've Got A Fang
- Fingertips
- Particle Man
- The Famous Polka
- Drink!
- She's Actual Size
- Letterbox
- Cyclops Rock
- James K. Polk
- Spy
- G-L-O-ckenspiel Intro
- Born In A Graveyard
- Shoehorn With Teeth
- Shoehorn With Teeth (CD Skip Version)
- Thunderbird
- Don't Let's Start
- Pet Name
- Ana Ng
- Birdhouse In Your Soul
- The Guitar
- Twisting
- Doctor Worm
On the setlist but not played:
They Might Be Giants
— with OK Go opening —
Chili Pepper in Fort Lauderdale, FL
March 25, 2001