In The Middle, In The Middle, In The Middle

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From the enhanced "No!" CD

song name In the Middle, in the Middle, in the Middle
artist They Might Be Giants
releases 2001 Sampler, TMBG Unlimited - February, No!, TMBG Clock Radio, Podcast 51
year 2000
first played August 12, 2000 (149 known performances)
run time 1:16
sung by Robin Goldwasser


  • From the 2001 Sampler: "This song was originally a PSA for the New York City Dept. of Transportation in the '60s. TMBG have brought it back."
  • Written by Vic Mizzy (who also wrote the Addams Family Theme) and sung by his daughter.
  • In occasional live performances, this song is sung by John Flansburgh, with a key transposition to D major and alternate lyrics; "When you're at the corner and the coast is clear, just wait, and wait, and wait until the light turns green." instead of "Walk up to the corner when the coast is clear. And wait, and wait, until you see the light turn green".
  • In some live performances, the Johns' sock-puppet aliases The Avatars of They perform this song with the original lyrics, and transposed D Major.
  • Referenced (and sung!) by John Hodgman as an "obscure pop culture reference" in Episode 155 of the Judge John Hodgman podcast. Incidentally, this episode features John Roderick of The Long Winters as expert witness.
  • This song's interactive video was illustrated by Thomas Romer and programmed by Matthew Richmond, both of The Chopping Block.

Song Themes

Body Parts, Colors, Non-John Vocals, Streets, TMBG Remakes, Transportation


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