From This Might Be A Wiki
TMBG songs that mention flight.
Central theme[edit]
- Bee Of The Bird Of The Moth - "Everyone is crying at the dread hypnotic flying of the bee of the bird of the moth"
- Birds Fly
- Flying V
- Hovering Sombrero - Also, "Time is flying like an arrow"
- I'm A Little Airplane
- Iowa - About a witch
- Thunderbird
- Whirlpool - "And its master allowed it to fly"
Briefly mentioned[edit]
- AKA Driver - "We can't fly like birds in the air"
- Au Contraire - "David Bowie came to town, flying overhead"
- Black Ops - "We fly to Amsterdam"
- The Bullies - "They fly in formation"
- Cast Your Pod To The Wind - "Fly, fly, fly"
- Christmas In The Big House - "In my tunnel then, I'll fly"
- Darlin' Allison - "From this world I will fly"
- Destination Moon - "Who won't be now checking out and flying"
- For Science - "Flying high above the sky"
- Four Of Two - "There were flying cars and gigantic metal bugs"
- How Now Dark Cloud? - "For we are the Flying Dutchmen"
- I Am Invisible - "Did the cat just learn how to fly?"
- Idlewild - "Take a ride on a skywriting plane / Loop-de-loop for a while"
- I Like Fun - "We float away"
- Piece Of Dirt - "Or to fly, I’d fly away"
- Purple Toupee (Dial-A-Song) - "Now I’m flying planes"
- So Crazy For Books - "Which fly so fast, you can’t see"
- Tesla - "Out of the windows birds fly"
- Town To Town - "Fly away home"
- Wearing A Raincoat - "Wearing a raincoat is flying around in a plane made of a raincoat"
- We've Got A World That Swings - "Fly like a kite through space"
- Where Do They Make Balloons? - "They can’t fly but they can dance"
- Where Your Eyes Don't Go - "Where your eyes don’t go, a part of you is hovering"
- Worried Sleep - "When I woke and found I was just above the ground"