
From This Might Be A Wiki

Songs about someone getting out, or trying to get out of a place.

Central theme[edit]

Briefly mentioned[edit]

  • Arrest The Cigarettes - "I'm going to disappear now / With all the disappearers"
  • The Bright Side - "Back then, fighting with the permanent / Pushing through the sediment / Till we lost the trail"
  • Cabbagetown - "But nothing that gets said / gets us out of Cabbagetown"
  • Christmas In The Big House - "And I'm breaking out / I got plans / Can't you see?"
  • Fun Assassin - A verse: "Lost in space / Waiting for a bus from this place / And when I get there, I'll just fold up my map / Drop it and never look back"
  • Hate The Villanelle - "At school, I ran from the very first bell", "But friends have all fled to faraway climes"
  • My Brother The Ape - "But I don't feel I belong and I keep wanting to escape"
  • This Microphone - "I'm busting out"
  • No Stopping A Unicorn - "They've missed the simple fact / That you're not looking back"
  • Super Cool - "That sweet day I forget it all / And stop searching for the trapdoor"
  • The Velvet Ape - "The Velvet Ape provides your escape"

See also[edit]

  • The Escape Team - A series of characters created for a comic book in 2018, each with their own dedicated song