Counterfeit Fake
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Counterfeit Fake |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Dial-A-Song, Power Of Dial-A-Song, Free When You Call From Work, Then: The Earlier Years |
year | 1984 |
run time | 0:39 |
sung by | John Flansburgh |
- Flansburgh (ICE Newsletter, 1996):
This uses the very first drum machine I ever bought, two months before it officially came out in America. This song was created with all the drum programs people had recorded while testing it in the store. I was trying to figure out how this piece of equipment worked, so it's very psychotic sounding. I thought the title was kind of interesting... like a Bob Dylan title that kind of folds in on itself.
- The drum machine mentioned by Flansburgh is the Yamaha RX15, which was used frequently throughout the band's discography from 1985 to 1987. It was mentioned by Flansburgh to have been purchased "on Canal Street off the grey market" in between the Fall and the Winter of 1984[1].
- Not to be confused with the 1999 song from Long Tall Weekend, "Counterfeit Faker".
- In old Dial-A-Song recordings, this song is played back to back with "Live Like Pigs".
- Apple Music incorrectly shows the lyrics to "Counterfeit Faker" as being the lyrics to this song.
Song Themes
Recycled Material, History, Oxymorons, Paradoxes, And Contradictory Statements, Songs With Handclaps
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