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5 wikians attended: "Crazy Chuck" Murphy Cillobillo Exit12 Oceansmyth Subadvert
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- Photo gallery by Colm Kelly at GoldenPlec
Set 1:
- They Might Be Giants (Alt. Version) Intro
- Synopsis For Latecomers
- Particle Man
- Snail Shell
- Moonbeam Rays
- Someone Keeps Moving My Chair
- Twisting
- Women & Men
- Your Racist Friend
- Let Me Tell You About My Operation
- Underwater Woman
- Lie Still, Little Bottle
- James K. Polk
- stelluB
- Road Movie To Berlin
- Brontosaurus
Set 2:
- Video of stelluB reversed
- Memo To Human Resources
- Man, It's So Loud In Here
- Letterbox
- Minimum Wage
- We Want A Rock
- Whistling In The Dark
- Lucky Ball & Chain
- The Darlings Of Lumberland
- When Will You Die
- Hot Cha
- Don't Let's Start
- 2082
- Theme From Flood
- Birdhouse In Your Soul
Encore 2:
They Might Be Giants
Vicar Street in Dublin, Ireland
November 9, 2024
Fan Recaps and Comments:
- Banter was had about Flans wondering whether 'concision' was a word. Linnell said no, but then later confessed he had no idea. Flans said he was surprised that Linnell would lie to him in front of so many people.
- Linnell also told a story about the first time they were in Dublin, staying at the Ormond Hotel which featured in Ulysses. Linnell said that the elevator was an old style, one that you opened a gate to get into and had an exposed brick wall on the opposite side. Someone had thrown up on the exposed wall at a high-up floor, so you could see barf all the way down.
- Flans told us that his father-in-law played the racist bartender in 48 Hours, as well as a host of other sleazebag characters. Every mention of one of these horrible characters was punctuated with "... but he's a really nice guy."