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- James K. Polk
- Don't Let's Start
- She's An Angel
- Ana Ng
- Robot Parade
- Shoehorn With Teeth
- The Famous Polka
- New York City
- S-E-X-X-Y
- Bangs
- I've Got A Fang
- Cyclops Rock
- Man, It's So Loud In Here
- Yeh Yeh
- Drink!
- Older
- Birdhouse In Your Soul
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
- Particle Man
- Twisting
- Maybe I Know
- Boss Of Me
- She's Actual Size
- Spin The Dial
- Fingertips
- The Guitar
- Doctor Worm
- Why Does The Sun Shine?
- Spy
- Mr. Tambourine Man
They Might Be Giants
— with Muckafurgason opening —
University of Iowa in Iowa City, IA
October 11, 2001
Fan Recaps and Comments:
review by Jackie York
I think that is all of the songs. I thought it was a fantastic show, my first, so I'm not a great judge. Linnell's keyboard wasn't plugged in for the first half of James K. Polk, but they fixed that. I was standing in the second row right in front of Linnell and there was a bright white light that kept flashing directly in my eyes and I kept putting my hand up to block it. He was laughing at me after awhile, so that was interesting. I got my ticket signed by John Flansburgh after the show when I bought the Muckafurgason cd. To the people who said Muckafurgason were great - I totally agree! They were fantastic. I'm sorry the setlist is in no particular order.