Jail And Imprisonment
From This Might Be A Wiki
Police, prison, arrest, incarceration, state sponsored punishment, etc...
Central theme
- Christmas In The Big House - sung from the perspective of an inmate ("big house" is slang for jail)
- Hidden Track - "I'm under house arrest in the hidden track!"
- It Never Fails
- John Postal copes with life out of jail
- Let's Go To Jail
- Louisiana - The narrator is imprisoned under an unknown capturer's blanket
- Music Jail, Pt. 1 & 2
- No Cops - "We've nailed down the latch so meet our demands"
- No One Knows My Plan
- Out Of Jail
- Re-PETE Offender
- The Lady And The Tiger
Briefly mentioned
- Birds Fly - "This good luck charm hanging off my arm was left here by the police" (handcuffs)
- Brain Problem Situation - "In the drunk tank / We're in the drunk tank"
- CATENAS MEAS AMISI - (transl.) "I lost my chains"
- Chip The CHiP - "Life in prison would be better than the teeth / Of the CHiP"
- Crushed By Dust - "We are prisoners"
- Dark And Metric - "Not a night spent in jail, parrot on my arm"
- The Fellowship Of Hell - "Prison guards ain't free"
- Flo Wheeler - "You can't do the time, therefore you didn't do the crime"
- Half A Boy - "I wish that I could land in jail"
- Hate The Villanelle - "Curses, these verses are my prison cell"
- Hearing Aid - "The electric chair's not good enough"
- Hillbilly Drummer Girl - "Morning in the drunk tank"
- I Lost Thursday - "This panopticon is full / Of people sitting still / Until this time has passed"
- I Love You For Psychological Reasons - "Mumbling failure in jail..."
- If Day For Winnipeg - "Hey, I'm guilty, put on the cuffs / I've broken Godwin's law"
- I'm Your Boyfriend Now (Demo) - "And I know that the restraining order wasn't meant to be"
- It's Not My Birthday - "So I'm rattlin' the bars around this drink tank"
- Lucky Ball & Chain - "I've lost my lucky ball and chain" etc.
- Old Pine Box - "They tried the handcuffs but they won't lock"
- Our Cannibal Friends - "With a moral that's wrong, like a story from jail"
- Plain As The Lie On Your Lips - "You've got the key that fits my cage's lock"
- Purple Toupee - "Ten years later they were sharing the same cell"
- Return To The Planet Of The Apes - "The time when they put me in jail, I did not appreciate the jail time that I did on the Planet of the Apes"
- The Shadow Government - "I doth protest, citizen's arrest; Now my body's in his trunk"
- Snowball In Hell - "A jailer trapped in his cell"
- Sold My Mind To The Kremlin - "Trapped in this thing that I can’t get away from"
- Whence That Wince - "Oh, daddy isn't stirring since my mama's been in stir"
- Whistling In The Dark - "And hit my head on the wall of the jail"
- Words Are Like - "A prison guard"