Hello Hello
From This Might Be A Wiki

Tony Millionaire's artwork for the song
song name | Hello Hello |
artist | Hello The Band / Mono Puff |
releases | Hello The Band (EP), Unsupervised, TMBG Clock Radio, Stumpbox Speak My Thoughts, Podcast 36B |
year | 1993 |
run time | 3:14 |
sung by | John Flansburgh, both Flansburgh and Fried yell on sample |
- Flansburgh says:
When Marjorie Galen and I first started Hello CD Of The Month Club, producer Joshua Fried suggested we do a disc of "Hello" songs - or maybe he just wanted an excuse to cover this song. Originally recorded in the early seventies as an over-the-top Glam-rock number by the legendary Gary Glitter, the tone of this track bears little resemblance to the original. Some of the words are unintelligible on the original, and we just kind of flubbed through them on this version. They are also strangely smarmy, and look too ugly printed out, so I'll just leave that experience for the listeners.
- For Unsupervised, the ambient noise audible during the brief pauses in the song was replaced with silence. This is most notable about 1:50 into the track.
Song Themes
Egoism And Pretentiousness, Questions, The Senses, Time, TMBG Remakes
Current Rating You must be logged in to rate this. You can either login (if you have a userid) or create an account with us today. Hello Hello is currently ranked #313 out of 1032. (42 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.60) |
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