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2 wikians attended: RyRy Shwabro
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- Dead
- Minimum Wage
- James K. Polk
- Boss Of Me
- Particle Man
- Meet James Ensor
- Four Of Two
- John Lee Supertaster
- I've Got A Fang
- She's Actual Size
- Spin The Dial (featuring Hard Days Night)
- Older
- Cyclops Rock
- Man, It's So Loud In Here
- Robot Parade
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
- Yeh Yeh
- The Guitar
- Birdhouse In Your Soul
- Why Does The Sun Shine?
- New York City
Encore 2:
They Might Be Giants
— with OK Go opening —
The Bijou Theatre in Knoxville, TN
April 3, 2002
Fan Recaps and Comments:
review by Ryan Horn
She's Actual Size: crazy drum solo from Dan Hickey..Press 1, Press 2, etc.
Robot Parade: Flansburgh thought he was losing the audience at this point.
Istanbul: sweet intro from Dan Miller on guitar.
The Guitar: bass solo from Danny Weinkauf and more guitar from Miller.
The Sun: they mentioned the Knoxville Sunsphere, and said it would be a gas on the sun..."estrogen, estrogen, estrogen, and more estrogen."
Drink: dedicated to a drunk guy in the back.
Another First Kiss: dedicated to a couple that had just gotten married.