2016 Archived News

From This Might Be A Wiki

December 2016[edit]

December 15, 2016

TMBG have released a new Christmas song for 2016 titled "Christmas In The Big House". Watch it on Youtube.png

December 12, 2016

The Long Island Herald has posted an interview with Danny Weinkauf. Check it out here.

November 2016[edit]

November 18, 2016

Shuffle Function is playing They Might Be Giants all day today for the third year in a row on KMSU to celebrate James Ensor's death. Listen at 89.7 FM on your southern Minnesota radio dial, or stream it live from almost anywhere in the world at http://kmsu.org. Both Flansburgh and Linnell call in to chat and answer questions from time to time as well! Request songs and submit topics for the Johns to talk about on Twitter and Facebook.

November 4, 2016

Diffuser wrote about TMBG's early history to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the release of their first album. Check it out here.

July 2016[edit]

July 21, 2016

Bar/None Records is celebrating their 30th anniversary with a new blog dedicated to the label's history, including posts about the early days of They Might Be Giants. One such entry, "They Might Be Giants - The Band That Launched a Label", features recently uncovered promotional artwork from the band's first two albums.

June 2016[edit]

June 30, 2016

Danny Weinkauf talked to the Long Island Herald about his upcoming solo album. Read it here.

June 19, 2016

Chop Shop has released an EP of TMBG songs written for The Chopping Block over 12 years ago, entitled Songs For Chop. It includes "Oranges and Graphic Design" and the original version of "Robot Parade" titled "Robot Design". Check it out here.

June 12, 2016

TMBW sends wishes for a fantastic birthday to John Linnell, who turns 57 today!

June 11, 2016

John Flansburgh talked about the 1983 drum machine that's his favorite instrument for omaha.com.

May 2016[edit]

May 20, 2016

Phone Power on CD and Why? on vinyl LP (preorder for July 22) are both available from TMBG's merch store: Phone Power CD; Why? vinyl.

May 6, 2016

TMBW sends wishes for a terrific birthday to John Flansburgh, who turns 56 today!

April 2016[edit]

April 26, 2016

Danny Weinkauf has launched a PledgeMusic campaign for his second kids album, Red Pants Band. Pre-order now for extra perks!

April 14, 2016

TMBG appeared on The Chris Gethard Show. Watch the full performance here.

April 13, 2016

John Flansburgh and the founder of TMBG's PR firm Girlie Action were interviewed by the podcast The Future of What. Listen here.

April 4, 2016

The Pensacola News Journal interviewed John Linnell.

April 1, 2016

John Linnell makes a voice cameo in the new Homestar Runner cartoon.

March 2016[edit]

March 28, 2016

John Linnell was interviewed by The Daily Wildcat.

March 23, 2016

John Linnell was interviewed for the Washington Post's podcast Presidential about the writing of "James K. Polk." There are also new interviews with John Flansburgh in Westword, omaha.com, and SF Weekly.

March 20, 2016

John Linnell was interviewed by KLSU. (You can go straight to the audio file here.)

March 17, 2016

John Flansburgh gave the website cincinnati.com a list of "some of those places on TV where you may have heard They Might Be Giants and not realized it." Read it here.

March 16, 2016

Milwaukee newspaper Shepherd Express has interviewed John Flansburgh about Phone Power and the success of the Dial-A-Song (2015) project. Read it here.

March 8, 2016

Phone Power.png

They Might Be Giants' new 18-track album Phone Power has been released at tmbg.com in multiple bundles, including a pay-what-you-want model for the digital download!

The 2016 They Might Be Giants Instant Fan Club has also begun! See the offering over at tmbgifc.com!

February 2016[edit]

February 1, 2016

John Flansburgh was interviewed by The Irish Times.

January 2016[edit]

January 29, 2016

TMBG appeared on BBC Radio Ulster today. Take a listen here.

January 26, 2016

The Halifax Courier talked to John Linnell in advance of the UK tour.

January 3, 2016

Bandsintown has posted a brief interview with John Flansburgh.

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