The Devil Went Down To Newport

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "The Devil Went Down To Newport"
Tony Millionaire's artwork for the song
Icon used for a Rykodisc sampling website
Artwork from Rykodisc

song name The Devil Went Down to Newport (Totally Rocking)
artist Mono Puff
releases Unsupervised, The Devil Went Down To Newport (EP), TMBG Clock Radio
year 1996
first played June 26, 1996 (17 known performances)
run time 3:46
sung by John Flansburgh, Mike Viola backs


  • Flansburgh says, "This two chord wonder was originally recorded in demo form by the legendary, now-defunct New England combo the Clamdiggers. Members of that band were in the group Mente, who performed a locally notorious song called 'Bobby Orr' ('greatest hockey player in the world- bahhhh-none!'). Mike was channeling Eddie Van Halen during this take. That's my best/worst John Entwistle impersonation on the fuzz bass at the end."
  • Owing to the New England-based nature of the original songwriters, the Newport in the song is most likely Newport, Rhode Island, where the curls are not particularly heinous.
  • In the video, Satan takes the form and dress of the alien from The Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man", which is referenced by the song "To Serve Mankind", also on Unsupervised.

Song Themes

Accents, Body Parts, Gleeful Irreverence, Music, Religion, Supernatural, Sports, TMBG Remakes, Two Chord Songs, Yes


  • Watch it on Youtube.png

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