
From This Might Be A Wiki
Warning found on some posters for the film "Earthquake."

song name Sensurround
artist They Might Be Giants
releases S-E-X-X-Y (EP), Factory Showroom [Japanese Release], TMBG Clock Radio (as "Sensurround (alternate version)"), John Henry + Factory Showroom
year 1996
first played March 30, 1995 (23 known performances)
run time 3:02
sung by John Linnell


  • An earlier version of this song was released on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers soundtrack. The band recorded this new version of the song because exclusive rights to the original recording belonged to the film.[1]
  • This re-recording features a different arrangement and bridge to the original. It was recorded in 1996 during the recording sessions for the Factory Showroom album, about a year after the original version was recorded. The band almost exclusively played the original version of the song live.
  • According to live show banter by John Flansburgh months before Factory Showroom was released, this song was originally intended for the album.
  • John Linnell described the song in a 1995 interview: "Remember the movie 'Earthquake'? It had a special effect called Sensurround -- a big speaker in the front made the whole room shake. The main thrust of the song is that the person singing it was in utero when his mother went to see 'Earthquake,' and it had a permanent effect on the development of the embryo."

Song Themes

Animals, Accidents, Body Parts, Heads, Forgetting And Remembering, Lies And Deception, Movies, Puns, Relatives, Science, The Senses, Super-Human Qualities, The Senses, Trade Names, Water


  • Watch it on Youtube.png – Recorded live on July 9, 1995 - First live performance (poor video quality)

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Sensurround is currently ranked #27 out of 1018. (177 wikians have given it an average rating of 9.19)