Meet The Elements

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "Meet The Elements"

song name Meet the Elements
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Here Comes Science
year 2009
first played September 13, 2009 (101 known performances)
run time 3:19
sung by John Linnell


Molecules and chemical elements are the focus of this video for They Might Be Giants' upcoming DVD, "Here Comes Science." FGA's retention of Junior High chemistry was totally inadequate, so we hit the books and dialed up an expert (Eric Siegel of the New York Hall of Science) to help us create a molecular model that would please both the kids and their fact-loving science teachers. Our hybrid version combines new, more complex/random electron orbits with a Bohr-esque simplified nucleus. We then added some really cute faces for the ultimate in scientific accuracy.

  • On the CD, the intro is four bars long, but on the DVD, it is only two bars long.

Song Themes

Animals, Colors, Educational, Food, Insects, Plants, Precious Metal, Questions, Science, Space


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Meet The Elements is currently ranked #118 out of 1018. (98 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.94)