
From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Infinity
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Here Come The 123s, CD/DVD Sampler
year 2008
run time 3:13
sung by Dan Miller


  • Featured only on the CD of the Here Come The 123s DVD/CD set. The lack of a music video could be explained by "How Many Planets?" being originally meant for this album, but was later removed late in production due to the band finding it more fitting for their next album, Here Comes Science. As a result, the band didn't have enough time to commission a music video for the song without missing the deadline, so they simply made it CD-exclusive.
  • Dan Miller co-wrote this song with Robert Sharenow.

Song Themes

Counting, Mathematics, Non-John Vocals, Numbers, Onomatopoeia, Recursion, Shapes, Space


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Infinity is currently ranked #615 out of 1018. (38 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.99)