For Science

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name For Science
artist They Might Be Giants
releases (She Was A) Hotel Detective (EP), Don't Let's Start (Album), Miscellaneous T, Then: The Earlier Years
year 1988
first played January 28, 1987 (7 known performances)
run time 1:19
sung by John Flansburgh; John Linnell; Anne Moore


  • From the Then liner notes: "'For Science' is a micro rock opera with a science fiction motif. The part at the end about destroying the universe was a spontaneous and unrehearsed outburst from Mr. Flansburgh."
  • On the (She Was A) Hotel Detective EP, the song is listed as "For Science Featuring Lt. Anne Moore." According to Flansburgh, "Anne Moore was a friend of the band The Jickets who we opened for a number of times, so we knew her from those shows. She was game, so we just had her sing the part." [1]
  • The punk band Blaster the Rocketboy incorporated lyrics from this song in the outro to their song "Time Machine" from their 1996 album Succulent Space Food for Teething Vampires.

Song Themes

Death, Egoism And Pretentiousness, Love, Medical, Non-John Vocals, Science, Space, Telecommunication, Trees And Other Plants, Songs With Handclaps, Yes


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For Science is currently ranked #461 out of 1018. (74 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.34)