Lyrics:We Just Go Nuts At Christmastime

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We Just Go Nuts At Christmastime
By: They Might Be Giants
Year: 1987

Up the driveway, down the walk Oh, Janie's hair is like her mom's Who's got her own, but acts like something's Different from the eyebrows up

Seems like only yesterday Our D-I-V-O-R-C-E I love you both and Yuletide is pure H-E-double-L for me

And we just go nuts at Christmastime That's when everything falls apart We just go nuts at Christmastime But it's another year before we're together again

[Spoken:] Hi, this is John of They Might Be Giants If you're driving down the highway at 100 miles an hour with your head wagging out the window We urge you, please, put down the phone

We just go nuts at Christmastime That's when everything falls apart We just go nuts at Christmastime But it's another year before we're together


Alternate spoken section from the Frank O'Toole Show and Early Dial-A-Song Online:

Hi, this is John of They Might Be Giants And you're listening to the Frank O'Toole radio show on WFMU If you're driving your car right now, we urge you to Sit back, relax, close your eyes, and drive really fast