
From This Might Be A Wiki

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The band played two sets, the first starting at 11:45 pm and the second at 12:30 am. A listing for the show appeared in the December 25, 1987 edition of the New York Times:

Giants at Gusto House
They Might Be Giants, Gusto House, 197 East Fourth Street (information: Dial-a-Song). The prolific duo of John Flansburgh and John Linnell, also known as They Might Be Giants, write frantic, funny, tuneful pop songs, overstuffed with images and information and titles like "Nothing's Gonna Change My Clothes" and "Alienation's for the Rich." Their latest works are dispensed via Dial-a-Song (718-367-6962), one of New York's most original answering-machine messages. While in concert, They Might Be Giants perform with taped backup, live accordion and guitar, homemade props and enough manic energy to make a listener forget they're using tapes. Sets at 10 P.M. and 12:30 A.M.; admission $10 all evening.

This show included the only known performance of "We Just Go Nuts At Christmastime", as well as the debut performance of "Piece Of Dirt". John Flansburgh introduced "Piece Of Dirt": "This next song we've never done before in public, so we don't really know how it's gonna come out. [...] It's kind of a hip-hop Roy Orbison kind of a song."