TMBW Userboxes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Eh you. Eh Steve.
Have a band? Make music? Want to be on the radio?
We know your secrets. Send your mp3s and .wavs to and hear YOURSELVES on the ra di o. We're looking for anyone that's remotely like you.
Clef Hangers (your future) is every Tuesday night at 9PM EST. You'll not want to miss it.
<embed src='' width='180' height='152' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='' quality='high' wmode='transparent' menu='false'>
The Henry Half
Onward with the TMBGy goodness!
I am currently learning to play the accordion! I own one sweet Italo-American, 120 bass, three octaves. Her name? Damn straight, it's Ana Ng.

<a href="">Which They Might Be Giants album are you?</a>
(I don't know where to put this exactly, but my younger sister found this in her 11th grade math book:
<a href="" target="_blank">
Right on, Johns.)