Talk:Trouble Awful Devil Evil
This has great chords and a beautiful melody, but why does it have to be so slow? I've been having this very same problem with a lot of their recent material. Try listening to this on YouTube with 1.5 speed and decide for yourself which way you like it better. I definitely prefer the faster "version", it sounds more like classic TMBG. --Freakiosis (talk) 08:53, 15 September 2015 (EDT)
- No! Not slow enough! Listen at half speed instead!
- I love this trend of slower songs because they're generally way less annoying than classic TMBG. But I agree, this is not classic TMBG sounding. -- Sonderling (talk) 14:59, 15 September 2015 (EDT)
- I think the tempo is just right for this song. It gives an accurate vibe for how carefree/oblivious the narrator seems despite all the terror swirling around him.
- On a related note to the above dialogue, TMBG have had precedent in re-recording slower songs and making them more lively, most likely for live shows where they didn't want the mood to droop too much. Examples I can think of are the infinitely better "First Kiss", the vastly improved "They Got Lost (Live STD)", and more recently, the rockin' version of "Black Ops". Maybe this one or some of the other 2015 DAS material will eventually get reworked, too. --MisterMe (talk) 09:34, 16 September 2015 (EDT)
- In the case of First Kiss, it was the opposite. The original live, fast version was slowed down for Mink Car. However, they did speed up Finished With Lies for the same album. -TDK (talk) 12:38, 16 September 2015 (EDT)
I really like this song[edit]
Wow. I found this hauntingly beautiful and I really liked it. A bit pushed for time at the moment so will write a proper review at the weekend. How on earth did this not make Glean.
The song works on a number of levels, it's a great melody is perhaps the most important and the great harmony on the refrain works a treat too. Emotionally it lacks the autistic or Residents messing about that have been a bit too common on Linnell's recent output. This songs has an emotional thread that we can all relate too. Some posters seem to think it's too slow, but I could take it a bit slower still. The only think I don't like is the vocoder effect on Linnell's voice at the start. Yuck. A bit like my review of All the Lazy Girlfriends this could be rearranged for a female artist. I'd quite like to hear a country arrangement of the song with someone like Laura Cantrell. Personally, I think we could all go for an Acoustic Giants version with accordion high up on the mix.
How Linnell decided that Underwater Woman was superior to this tune, heaven knows. Looking forward to the new song. Saying that, thanks to over enthusiastic fans giving it 10 it's apparently the greatest song the Giant have ever written. Well it was on Halloween!
(Mr Tuck)
- More mindless hate courtesy of Mr Tu—oh, wait. It's almost like you're a fan of this band. Anyway, for the first time in a few weeks, I find myself really digging a DAS 2015 release. As much as I like TMBG, the more recent pieces have been fairly forgettable with "I Haven't Seen You In Forever" growing on me very slowly until I couldn't get the melody out of my head (dammit, Linnell). "Trouble Awful Devil Evil" reads like a Flanssong but the instrumentation is so… yeah, I think "hauntingly beautiful" is apposite. I was surprised that a song that had the potential to be heavy-handed and comical managed to be ernest but understated. Barrieau (talk) 09:19, 16 September 2015 (EDT)
- So if you don't like the songs you're still a fan? If I don't like the songs I'm not. Right. Plus, find anything that I've ever written which demonstrates hate? (Mr Tuck)
That's fair enough. I got bashed the other week from someone for writing critical reviews and then she in her next review said she was less keen on the Disney stuff(!) so perhaps I'm a little sensitive. Looking forward to writing my positive review this weekend. (Mr Tuck)
A beautiful description of a beautiful experience[edit]
The thing I love about this song is that it is a perfect description of a particular experience I have sometimes (one that I'm positive John has not experienced personally, which makes it even more impressive). I've spent a lot of time trying to describe how said experience feels but this song is a much more poetic and accurate version of anything I've ever managed to come up with. --Self Called Nowhere (talk) 19:14, 21 September 2015 (EDT)