Talk:TMBW.Net MP3s

From This Might Be A Wiki

Leonard Lopate Theme[edit]

Seeing as there's no way to officially get this anymore, does anyone else think it's a good candidate for this page? It's a fab track, seems a shame to let it drift into obscurity. ~ SirDarrell

I think it's technically off limits since they are (or were) selling it as a station fundraiser.

Wasn't it more of a gift when you donate money rather than buying it?

I'm just curious, but does anyone on here actually even HAVE the Leonard Lopate Show Theme from The Leonard Lopate Show Single? ~Drew

I have people here think it's not off-limits any longer? I did look, and you can't get it from them anymore. Should i give away the secret on how to get it?? --Duke33 06:01, 24 May 2006 (CDT)

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm all for it. I didn't even know there was a "secret" on how to get it. ~Drew

Updated Homestar MP3's??[edit]

The new Homestar DVD has much longer, high quality copies of the Puppet Jams... can anyone post 'em?

That brings up a point.. as the Puppet Jams are now available for sale, it's kind of iffy as to whether or not they should be on here at all. But to rip the audio from the DVD and distribute it is going too far. Matt & Mike Chapman make their living from selling h*r merch, ya know.. -TDK 11:52, 2 Jan 2006 (EST)

I don't have a problem with distributing the puppet jam mp3's that are available on h*, but i do see your point about the linnell demo. --Duke33 14:44, 2 Jan 2006 (EST)
I agree with Duke33--ripping MP3s from h* seems okay to me, but we obviously can't rip stuff from h*r DVDs that are being sold. And I still think it would be nice to rip an MP3 of Mission Control from h* anyone could explain to be how to do it, I'd be happy to do it for you guys (assuming I have the necessary software). ~Drew

Crystal Cave[edit]

Is it just me or is the file download only 88k? I only get about 3 seconds of music in the mp3. -BigJohn

You're right...something must have happened during the upload process. I'll fix it later today. --Duke33 14:14, 15 Mar 2005 (EST)

It's fixed now. sorry! --Duke33 09:06, 16 Mar 2005 (EST)

Man, this place used to be beautiful. Remember the good old days of DAS demos like Skullivan, Love Is Eternity, L M N O, and other cool stuff like She Thinks She's Edith Head (Double Mix) and Dee Dee And Dexter (which is different from the TMBG Clock Radio Version). -bj

Chainsaw Dick?[edit]

Could someone help me out with some background info with this song? Who is singing? When and where was it recorded. I think I hear an accordion, but I don't recognize the voice as John or John.

Here you are, Chainsaw Dick. -CapitalQ 12:28, 31 Dec 2005 (EST)

Four Of Two Demo[edit]

Ecks tried uploading this new addition twice only to get an error on the uploading page telling him the MP3 file was 'empty'. So he sent it to me, I tried uploading it, and I received the same error. Then I re-encoded it, tried uploading it, and still received the same error, so I'm thinking there's a bug right now preventing MP3s from being uploaded all together. Until it's hosted on here, I'm storing it on my webhost for everyone to enjoy. -CapitalQtalk ♪ 21:41, 24 Mar 2006 (CST)

Old Podcasts[edit]

Not really sure how much space is available on this website, but I think it would be a good idea if this site (or some website) could host the podcasts that were taken off of 1-3, and probably more later on. I would upload them now (I don't think TMBG would find any problem with making the free podcasts still available for download online), but the files are big relative to the other uploads. ~ magbatz 16:50, 10 Apr 2006 (CDT)

Once TMBG pulls something off their site, we cannot legally distribute it. -CapitalQtalk ♪ 17:13, 10 Apr 2006 (CDT)
Alright. ~ magbatz 17:17, 10 Apr 2006 (CDT)

Countdown Intro[edit]

On the Download:Countdown Intro page you can download the John Henry tour version from here. Yet it isn't on this page. Intentional? - Whirrrlwind (Woosh!) 04:00, 18 Apr 2006 (CDT)


Uh-oh! The Vitamins/Celebrities (and same type links) won't and the They Might Be Giants feat. Homestar Runner (and same type) links don't work with the template. Can anyone fix it who knows about the matter better than me? I'll revert my edit for now. - Whirrrlwind (Woosh!) 02:05, 4 May 2006 (CDT)


Cool! How'd this come about? ~ magbatz 21:17, 12 May 2006 (CDT)

Duke33 has had the TMBW Podcast idea since we were adding Napster/eMusic downloads to the download pages (at least that's when I first heard about it), and he recently created a PHP script to generate podcast XML from the text on TMBW.Net MP3s. That's about it. :D -CapitalQtalk ♪ 21:27, 12 May 2006 (CDT)


Since this page now has an RSS feed, could you add this to the HTML code?

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="TMBW.Net MP3s" href=""/> 

--Droffats 22:25, 12 May 2006 (CDT)

You mean add it to the html of the MP3s page? I don't think we can, because the link tag is converted to wikitext. --Duke33 12:03, 19 May 2006 (CDT)

Ah. I thought you admins had über HTML editing privileges or something. Nevermind then. It wasn't really that necessary anyways. --Droffats 20:17, 22 May 2006 (CDT)

Dial-A-Song MP3s[edit]

I've noticed that several of the TMBW.Net MP3s have been songs recorded from Dial-A-Song. Has anyone made any sort of ground rules about what Dial-A-Song tracks can be posted here? (Not that I think there SHOULD BE restrictions on what Dial-A-Song songs can be posted--other than not including recordings of songs whose exact album versions were played on Dial-A-Song, probably--but I'm just curious about whether or not there ARE any restrictions.) I have a decent number of MP3s of Dial-A-Song tracks that I've acquired over the years, as I'm sure many of the users on here do, and I'd be more than happy to upload some, assuming that's okay. I just don't know what the procedure on doing that sort of thing is, so could somebody fill me in? Thanks. ~Drew

I suppose the songs would have to be (1) not on Dial-A-Song in the past year or two, and (2) an exclusive DAS recording not heard anywhere else. -CapitalQtalk ♪ 09:03, 20 May 2006 (CDT)
So if I have some that fit that description (I'll have to check), can I upload them, or do I have to get permission from someone like you first, CapitalQ? ~Drew
We never really laid down ground rules for uploading songs after we set up the podcast...I'll ask Duke33 how we should handle that and then set up instructions on how to correctly tag the file within the next few days. -CapitalQtalk ♪ 19:59, 23 May 2006 (CDT)
Thanks, sounds good. ~Drew
Any word on those ground rules yet? ~Drew

I hope this wasn't presumptuous or inappropriate on my part, but since I've been waiting a while now to hear about ground rules for adding songs to the TMBW.Net MP3s page and podcast and still haven't heard anything, I went ahead and added Dial-A-Song versions of three songs that later ended up on solo project discs by the Johns to the page and podcast. Let me know if I did anything incorrectly, or if I shouldn't do things like this in the future, or who I should talk to for permission in the future if permission of some sort is needed, etc. Now, a few questions/comments:

  1. For future reference, is it okay to add multiple songs to the podcast at the same time? I don't see a real problem with it, but it hasn't been done since right when the podcast started and all of those Dunkin' Donuts songs were put up, and I could see some people possibly complaining about the fact that only one of the songs will automatically be downloaded from iTunes. So let me know what everyone thinks about this.
  2. I thought I would slowly add Dial-A-Song versions of songs that I have to the podcast, trying to go somewhat thematically, which is why I added three DAS songs that were eventually released on solo project albums instead of TMBG albums. I actually have two other DAS songs that were later released by Mono Puff--So Long, Mockingbird (Dial-A-Song) and What Bothers The Spaceman? (Dial-A-Song). However, as I pointed out on the page for each of these songs, I can't tell whether the DAS versions are exactly the same as the demos on John Flansburgh's Mono Puff, if they're different recordings, or if they're different mixes of the same recordings, so I wasn't sure if they would be okay to post. Should I upload them and link them here without adding them to the podcast and then let somebody else decide? Or does it even matter at all since (1) they are from Dial-A-Song and (2) that Hello EP was the only place the demos were ever available anyway (other than Clock Radio for the DAS What Bothers The Spaceman?), and the EP hasn't been available for over ten years now (and was never widely available to begin with)? Let me know what you think.
  3. There is one more solo project-related DAS song out there that I don't have--Lullaby To Nightmares (Dial-A-Song) (later done by Hello The Band, then the Giants). Does anyone on here have it? (Thevince, for example, who posted info about it?) If so, I'd love to get it or to have it added to the podcast! :) Any takers? ~Drew
What you did today was absolutely fine, and thanks for the great recordings. :D As for the other two DAS demos, you could send them to me on AIM at WithACapitalQ and I'll try to see if they match the demo EP. -CapitalQtalk ♪ 06:02, 3 Jul 2006 (MDT)

Suggestions/Requests for Future TMBW.Net MP3s[edit]

I thought it might be nice to start a forum here where people could suggest songs that might be nice to include on the TMBW.Net MP3s page/podcast in the future. This could work two ways:

  1. People could say, "Does anybody have an MP3 of _______ that we could upload?"
  2. People could say, "I have an MP3 of _______--can I upload it?"

I'm going to start out with option 1: Does anyone have MP3s of Lunch Is Over, One Billion Degrees, Doh Doh Island, or Mission Control from h* (not from the DVD)? Those are my current suggestions for TMBW.Net MP3s if anyone has them. Does anyone else have any ideas, suggestions, or requests? ~Drew

What about the Stumpbox songs? Of course only the unreleased cover versions ones ;). - Whirrrlwind (Woosh!) 13:29, 9 Jun 2006 (MDT)
I think Stumpbox songs would be a great idea. ~Drew
I'm kind of against separating individual recordings from a full bootleg...though it wouldn't be the first time we've done it. -CapitalQtalk ♪ 06:03, 3 Jul 2006 (MDT)
Any of the Stumpbox songs would be great... especially I Wanna Be Sedated or Danny Says. (Yup, I'm a Ramones fan. :-D) Random


What does anyone think about creating an archive page, that would be for older MP3's, so that we could remove them from the current podcast? --Duke33 09:29, 3 Jul 2006 (MDT)

Why would we want to do that? Most podcasts keep all MP3s in the feed with the exception of TMBG's...but they're putting them back soon. -CapitalQtalk ♪ 09:37, 3 Jul 2006 (MDT)
I agree with CapitalQ on this one. I do have one question, though: Since we currently have 38 songs available for download on this page, do you have any idea why iTunes only lists 19 of them currently? And it's not like it's just the 19 most recently added songs either--there doesn't seem to be any pattern to it, because it only lists two of the three songs I just added, and it's missing Karate!, Rest Awhile (Dial-A-Song), and others added in between the ones currently shown. It was similar before I added the last three songs--there were only 18 listed, missing random ones throughout the list (I did copy down the ones shown or anything, so I don't know if it was mostly the same ones that are listed now or anything). I'm assuming people who subscribe to the podcast still have access to all 38 songs, but I could be wrong. Anyway, does anyone know if this is a random iTunes problem, a problem on our side of things, or if there's a reason for this? ~Drew
Hmmm...I went into the itunes directory, and i saw all the songs. Anyone else not seeing them all? --Duke33 12:34, 5 Jul 2006 (MDT)
The day he posted I saw the same thing. Today it's fine. I wouldn't worry about it though, I've seen iTMS do some weird stuff like that before. You were correct, Drew, in assuming that subscribers to the podcast could see all 38 songs. Maybe it's an incentive to get people to subscribe? --badqueso 14:02, 5 Jul 2006 (MDT)

Rest in Peace[edit]

No good deed goes unpunished... Wish I could say this is the first time I've seen a cooperative, unofficial fan site "pruned" by the object of their fandom, but these days it seems more like the rule than the exception. Here you have a fanbase so rabid they think snippets from *commercials* are great MP3 downloads... but even that crosses the line, apparently. Astounding.

Implementing the iTunes/Amazon/etc. store links seemed like a huge effort on the part of the site staff and participants. Heck of a "thank you" for all that hard work. 17:14, 6 December 2006 (UTC)

Well, I mean, it is Their copyrighted material and songs that they wrote and performed, so I guess it's not too unreasonable for them to want authority over them. (Though it's not like they're gonna be selling that Xtreme Golf Association commercial music any time soon...) Oh well. ~ magbatz 20:13, 6 December 2006 (UTC)
It's certainly not unreasonable for Them to want authority over the music, but Dot specifically told me that it was "not a band preference," but a "legal management thing." Oh, well. We had a good, nearly four-year-long run while it lasted. -CapitalQtalk ♪ 20:32, 6 December 2006 (UTC)