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< Shows
9 wikians attended: Armicron Endian675 Ghhhk Oliveirach Poopship destroyer TDK Tmb G TMBG FOREVER TVsKyle
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- New York City
- James K. Polk
- Boss Of Me
- Older
- Mr. Klaw
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
- S-E-X-X-Y
- Doctor Worm
- Turn Around
- Don't Let's Start
- Radio They Might Be Giants 1
- Man, It's So Loud In Here
- She Thinks She's Edith Head
- She's An Angel
- Spy
- Sorry I Fucked Up The Show
- Shoehorn With Teeth
- Boss Of Me
- Ana Ng
- Spider
- The Guitar
- No One Knows My Plan
Encore #1:
Encore #2:
They Might Be Giants
— with John Linnell And The Statesmen opening —
Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel in Providence, RI
February 5, 2000 at 6:30 PM