Sensurround (Soundtrack Version)
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(Redirected from Sensurround (Alternate Version))
song name | Sensurround |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Soundtrack, TMBG Clock Radio (as "Sensurround"), Podcast 23A, TMBG Instant Fan Club 2024 |
year | 1995 |
run time | 3:05 |
sung by | John Linnell, bridge backed by John Flansburgh |
- This is the original version of "Sensurround," recorded in 1995 for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. The song features a different arrangement, tempo and bridge compared to the more well-known 1996 re-recording.
- John Flansburgh in a May 1995 interview with Scene Magazine:
We've actually cut a couple of songs in the few weeks since we've been home in New York this month and one of them was for the soundtrack to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie that is gonna come out soon. It's kind of like a money type thing. I don't feel like we're spiritually very close to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers but the price is right. It's a really weird project. I don't even know if the movie's going to do well or not but they're saying that the soundtrack is definitely going to sell probably better than any record of ours has before. It's a good song and we'll probably be playing it on tour in Australia.
- This is one of two songs that the band recorded with acclaimed producer Neil Dorfsman − the other being "25 O'Clock." Both songs were recorded in 1995, at the New York recording studio Power Station. Flansburgh recalled recording "Sensurround" with Dorfsman in an Instant Fan Club email:
We put the track together with legendary producer Neil Dorfsman in 1995. Memories of the session included Neil blowing out a match with just the air pumping out of the speaker while the toms of this track played. Unfortunately, in spite of the extraordinary flanged piano included in this recording, the track did not get a lot of play in the actual Power Rangers movie. We were only free to re-record it, and did so a year or so later to include it as a bonus track for Factory Showroom.
- The band re-recorded the song in 1996 because the exclusive rights to this original recording belonged to the film.[1]
- The song can be heard in the movie at the 43:50 mark, playing for ten seconds on a car radio.
- John Linnell stated in a 1995 interview: "We cooked up a song at the very end of this last leg [of the tour] and recorded it in New York. Actually, it's kind of embarrassing, but it's the soundtrack for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers." Linnell confirmed in 1997 that he hadn't seen the film.[2]
- The band almost exclusively played this version of the song live.
Song Themes
Accidents, Heads, Forgetting And Remembering, Lies And Deception, Movies, Puns, Relatives, Super-Human Qualities, Trade Names, TV And Movie Themes, Water
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