Other Father Song
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Other Father Song |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Coraline Soundtrack, Podcast 52 |
year | 2009 |
run time | 0:28 |
sung by | John Linnell |
- This song was recorded for the 2009 movie Coraline. Due to cuts, this is the only song TMBG ended up providing for the film. It takes place when Coraline's other father (voiced by John Hodgman) shows how his piano plays him, rather than he plays the piano. He proceeds to sing a song about how great Coraline is. The repeated mention of eyes and buttons plays on the fact that the Other Father's eyes are actual buttons.
Song Themes
Body Parts, Food, Not In Common Time, People (Imaginary), Relatives, Title Not In Lyrics
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