My Other Phone Is A Boom Car

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name My Other Phone Is a Boom Car
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Podcast 21A, Cast Your Pod To The Wind, Podcast 36A, Podcast 46, TMBG Instant Fan Club 2012, Secret Music Vol. 1 (in "Extra Ringtone Super Pile Annex")
year 2007
run time 0:22
sung by Michael Cerveris


  • Part of a ringtone project TMBG did with Wired Magazine for March 2007. "We take a little sketch of a lyric or idea and make it as intense as possible," says singer-songwriter John Flansburgh. "These songs are built for repeated listens."
  • A 'boom car' is a vehicle that produces excessive amounts of bass sounds.

Song Themes

Egoism And Pretentiousness, Non-John Vocals, Questions, Transportation


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My Other Phone Is A Boom Car is currently ranked #833 out of 1016. (43 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.39)