Talk:Escape From The Planet Of The Apes

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Awful. (Mr Tuck)

The above review by Mr Tuck seems more like weak filler that's he's been producing ever since his days of confusing the "interpretations" section for the "discussion" section, and relating every song he doesn't like to Dog Walker. -A parody of Mr Tuck's negative reviews. (Parody created by Bouncer15111. Just for the hell of it, basically. I doubt anyone will see this anytime soon.)

Firstly, your comment is not a parody of my views. Secondly, why do say it's a parody, not once but twice? If it was a parody just leave it, it's like telling a joke and then saying, that was a joke! Thirdly, what section is my original comment in? You should have thought about that before you wrote your "parody" Fourthly it's true I have rated a weak song on how it compares to Dogwalker. Check out Dogwalker's rating on this site and the times it's being played live. The data tells a story. Finally, Escape from the Planet of the Apes is awful. That's all I could face writing about it. However, the vast majority of my posts are positive and I've seen them play about a dozen times so there you go. PS. On the plus side, someone did see this anytime soon. So be pleased! (Mr Tuck)

I was referencing the part about "interpretations" as half the time your reviews are in the interpretations section (granted, you have realized what "interpretations" means by this point). Also, just a side note, I wrote that last night about 20 minutes before I went bed, so I was a quite tired and using bad judgment (along with anger about the recent election results). The reason I wrote it on this particular one of your... not even sure if "reviews" would be appropriate on this particular one, is because it's not even useful information. It's just the word "Awful" followed by a period. That being said, I am sorry for the tasteless parody I made. It wasn't even a funny tasteless parody, looking back on it. I'll keep it posted here, however, to remind myself to take things more lightly (and I suggest you do the same sometimes). -Bouncer15111 (Side note: looks like we both have the odd habit of writing in paragraphs most of the time)

You don't have to apologise. My original post was a one word joke on whoever wrote "Catchy". Why don't you listen to When it rains it snows. What a song that is. Often overlooked, but I never tire of it, and it's seem rather apt post election. (Mr Tuck)

Although I despise many of your reviews (Guitar, Snail Shell, Black Ops), you seem like a pretty down to earth guy in general. Thanks. -Bouncer15111