Cave Fish
From This Might Be A Wiki
This song was made available exclusively to members of the They Might Be Giants Instant Fan Club.
Information about some IFC material was originally unavailable on TMBW, but due to the availability of details about these projects elsewhere online, we have decided to catalog them in the spirit of remaining an accurate and complete TMBG knowledge base. Per the IFC oath, distributing or requesting IFC-exclusive content is still prohibited.
song name | Cave Fish |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | 2011 Instant Fan Club EP, TMBG Instant Fan Club 2024 |
year | 2011 |
run time | 2:20 |
sung by | John Linnell |
- Originally a contender for Join Us alongside "Repo Day", both songs were mentioned by Flansburgh to be "slightly too close to other tracks and other vibes" on the album.
- A digital version of this song was first made available to members of the 2024 Instant Fan Club as a weekly download paired with "Monsters Of Mud." Prior to this, the song was only available on vinyl.
- This song was the inspiration for the 2019 Cave Fish? EP by the Facebook group They Might Be Shitposting, based on a running gag in the group about the song's exclusivity. Each contribution to the release is a unique imagining of how the song may actually sound, as none of the artists involved had heard the song beforehand and only had the lyrics for reference.
Song Themes
Animals, Egoism And Pretentiousness, Love Gone Sour, Personification, Questions, Title Not In Lyrics, Violence
Current Rating You must be logged in to rate this. You can either login (if you have a userid) or create an account with us today. Cave Fish is currently ranked #102 out of 1032. (43 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.93) |