Repo Day
From This Might Be A Wiki
This song was made available exclusively to members of the They Might Be Giants Instant Fan Club.
Information about some IFC material was originally unavailable on TMBW, but due to the availability of details about these projects elsewhere online, we have decided to catalog them in the spirit of remaining an accurate and complete TMBG knowledge base. Per the IFC oath, distributing or requesting IFC-exclusive content is still prohibited.
song name | Repo Day |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | 2011 Instant Fan Club EP |
year | 2011 |
run time | 2:03 |
sung by | John Flansburgh, John Linnell backs |
- Originally a contender for Join Us alongside "Cave Fish", both songs were mentioned by Flansburgh to be "slightly too close to other tracks and other vibes" on the album.
- When asked on the now-defunct IFC Tumblr if this song was inspired by Simon & Garfunkel's 1970 hit "Cecilia," Flansburgh replied:
It's a major key melody with a 2/4 Latin feel and close harmonies so that automatically puts it in Cecilia territory—but there is a lot of old fashioned Mexican popular music (what a relative of mine always called "trio" music) that they both share a vibe with that is probably the most general source of the feel.
- The fictional name of “Beardo Raskolnikov” is likely a reference to the protagonist of Fyodor Dostoyevsky‘s 1866 novel Crime and Punishment, who is named Rodion Raskolnikov.
- Kalashnikov rifles, better known as AK rifles, are a family of assault rifles based on the design of Russian inventor Mikhail Kalashnikov.
Song Themes
Money, Music, People (Imaginary), Transportation
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