(She Was A) Hotel Detective (Demo)

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name (She Was A) Hotel Detective
artist They Might Be Giants
releases 1985 Promotional Demo Tape #4, 1985 Promotional Demo Tape #7, 1985 Demo Tape
year 1985
run time 2:19
sung by John Flansburgh


  • This version features completely different vocals from the re-recording on The Pink Album, including a demonic lead vocal with a warbly effect on it. It also has different guitar work and is missing the later saxophone overdubs. It is sometimes referred to as the "Halloween version."
  • The version on 1985 Promotional Demo Tape #4 is based off of this version but is missing the “ooh” vocals in the introduction and contains a ‘noise’ solo in the bridge. The vocals are also mixed a little louder, giving more prominence to the backing vocals.
  • From a 1986 issue of Rear Garde Magazine: "What happens when you resurrect Gary Glitter's drumbeat and the Creepshow's vocals? You get a band from New York who uses reverberated vocals to tell us about a female Hotel Detective. Silly, fast and funny."

Song Themes

Animals, Cartoons, Doors, Forgetting And Remembering, Gender Issues, Hotel Detective Series, Hotels, Intelligence, Espionage, Insects, Occupations, People (Imaginary), Telecommunication, Title Not In Lyrics


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(She Was A) Hotel Detective (Demo) is currently ranked #653 out of 1034. (17 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.96)