A Self Called Nowhere

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name A Self Called Nowhere
artist They Might Be Giants
releases John Henry, John Henry + Factory Showroom
year 1994
first played April 21, 1993 (80 known performances)
run time 3:22
sung by John Linnell


  • From the tmbg.com Q&A: "Gibson Montana very kindly built a left handed L1 acoustic model for me [Flans] for the John Henry recordings, and can be heard on 'Self Called Nowhere' and on 'Sleeping In The Flowers'."
  • Since 1998, the only live performances of this song were part of Quiet Storm sets in 2018 until its inclusion in John Henry theme shows in 2024.
  • On TMBG Clock Radio, this song had a slightly altered mix, with the only difference being flange effects missing from the third chorus.

Song Themes

Accents, Altered Voice, Furniture, Heads, Mental Illness, Music, Musical Stores, Not In Major Or Minor, Oxymorons, Paradoxes, And Contradictory Statements, Problems With Liner Notes, Recursion, Transportation


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A Self Called Nowhere is currently ranked #44 out of 1034. (273 wikians have given it an average rating of 9.09)