Triops Has Three Eyes (Podcast Episode)

From This Might Be A Wiki

They Might Be Giants Friday Night Family Podcast
High Five! | Apartment Four | I Never Go To Work | Even Numbers
Nonagon | 813 Mile Car Trip | One Dozen Monkeys | Figure Eight | Number Two
Pirate Girls Nine | The Secret Life Of Six | Seven | I Can Add | Nine Bowls Of Soup
Fake-Believe | Ooh La! Ooh La! | Ten Mississippi | Triops Has Three Eyes
One Everything | Alphabet Of Nations | Zeroes | E Eats Everything | Even Numbers 2
Nine Bowls Of Soup 2 | Robots | Go For G! | Can You Find It? | Davy Crockett In Outer Space

See also: They Might Be Giants Podcast

Host: The Puppet Johns
Date published: April 18, 2008
Show length: 5:19


"They Might Be Giants video podcast of songs about letters, numbers and everything else."


Flansburgh: Bonjour mes amis, bonjour. It is John of They Might Be Giants right here in Paris, France. We have quite the podcast for you tonight. Bonsoir, I should have said bonsoir, mes amis. Anyway, here's a brand new video off our brand new DVD. The song is called Triops Has Three Eyes.

Flansburgh: Ah, we are back my friends. Back in Paris, France with They Might Be Giants' Friday Night Video Podcast. Ah! Well, listen my friends, here's an old video from back in the olden times from the DVD Here Come The ABCs here's the piece of music we call Letter/Not A Letter.

Linnell: We want to thank everybody for podcasting in.
Flansburgh: And we want to thank all our new French friends right here in Paris, France. It's been a gas.
Linnell: Merci beaucoup.
Flansburgh: Au revoir!
Linnell: See ya next week for our special Arbor Day special.

  • [5:14] - Trailer