Pirate Girls Nine (Podcast Episode)

Host: The Puppet Johns
Date published: February 22, 2008
Show length: 4:33
- "They Might Be Giants video podcast of songs about letters, numbers and everything else."
- Starting time [0:00] - Puppet Johns:
Linnell: Hey, it's, uh, it's February 22.
Flansburgh: And that means it's time for—
Linnell: They Might Be Giants' Friday night video podcast.
Flansburgh: For kids.
Linnell: For families.
Flansburgh: For you!
Both: Arr!
Linnell: It's a special pirate edition of the podcast. My name's Matey.
Flansburgh: And my name is Arr.
Linnell: Hey, my—my hair is stuck on you.
Flansburgh: And this song is called Pirate Girls Nine.
Linnell: Enjoy.
- [0:28] - Here Come The 123s
- [0:35] - Pirate Girls Nine
- [1:55] - Puppet Johns:
Flansburgh: Rar. Alright, here's a song we like to call Z Y X. Arr.
- [2:08] - Z Y X
- [3:27] - Here Come The ABCs
- [3:32] - Puppet Johns (singing Now We Have To Go):
Linnell: Now we have to go
Flansburgh: Here we go
Linnell: Watch us go
Flansburgh: What if I don't want to go?
Linnell: But ya do
Flansburgh: Maybe so
Linnell: But we're comin' back next week
Flansburgh: I can't wait until next week
Linnell: Now it's time for—
Both: us to say so long
(vocalization and barking continues throughout)
- [4:20] - Trailer