Alphabet Of Nations (Podcast Episode)

From This Might Be A Wiki

They Might Be Giants Friday Night Family Podcast
High Five! | Apartment Four | I Never Go To Work | Even Numbers
Nonagon | 813 Mile Car Trip | One Dozen Monkeys | Figure Eight | Number Two
Pirate Girls Nine | The Secret Life Of Six | Seven | I Can Add | Nine Bowls Of Soup
Fake-Believe | Ooh La! Ooh La! | Ten Mississippi | Triops Has Three Eyes
One Everything | Alphabet Of Nations | Zeroes | E Eats Everything | Even Numbers 2
Nine Bowls Of Soup 2 | Robots | Go For G! | Can You Find It? | Davy Crockett In Outer Space

See also: They Might Be Giants Podcast

Host: The Puppet Johns
Date published: May 9th, 2008
Show length: 6:03


"They Might Be Giants video podcast of songs about letters, numbers and everything else."


Flansburgh: Hey everybody.
Linnell: Hey.
Flansburgh: It's Friday, May 9th.
Linnell: And that means it's time for...
Flansburgh: They Might Be Giants Podcast.
Linnell: For kids.
Flansburgh: For families.
Both: For you!
Flansburgh: Hey, you know this Sunday is Mother's Day, John.
Linnell: You know, I completely...I totally forgot it was Mother's Day.
Flansburgh: Well you still have time. I just made my mom a card.
Linnell: I still have to make my card for my mother.
Flansburgh: Yeah, you'd better do that. Don't forget. Well, listen. Today's video is about the whole world, and it's called "The Alphabet...".
Linnell: The Alphabet.
Flansburgh: The Alphabet.
Linnell: The Alphabet.
Flansburgh: "...of Nations."
Linnell: Nations.
Flansburgh: Nations.
Linnell: Nations.
Flansburgh: Nations.
Linnell: Nations. Nations. Nations.
Flansburgh: Nations.

Linnell: '[mouthsyncs to synth beeps]'
Flansburgh: Hi everybody. Here's a video off our brand-new DVD. It's called Here Come the 123s. The song is High Five! and it's sung by our drummer, Mr. Marty Beller. Dig it y'all!

Flansburgh: Now we have to go
Linnell: Here we go
Flansburgh: Watch us go
Linnell: What if I don't want to go?
Flansburgh: But you do
Linnell: Maybe so
Both: But we're coming back next week
Linnell: I can't wait until next week
Both: Now it's time for us to say so long!
Flansburgh: Goodbye!
Linnell: Beeeyooouu