
From This Might Be A Wiki
"T-Shirt" cover art from iTunes
Music video for "T-Shirt"

song name T-Shirt
artist They Might Be Giants
releases T-Shirt (Single)
year 2005
run time 2:10
sung by John Linnell


  • This song was originally meant to be on Here Come The ABCs between "D Is For Drums" and "ZYX" according to an early tracklisting on tmbg.com, but was instead released only as an iTunes-exclusive digital single for 99 cents (which is no longer available for purchase).
  • When asked why the song was left off the album, John Flansburgh replied in a 2023 Tumblr post:
You know, I think it kind of got shuffled off the album by accident, or maybe there was some tea leaf reading that Disney Channel wasn't going to play it and that was part of it. Everything was going so fast in that production which seemed to be on a very real deadline, and there were so many projects going in to making the DVD, it was really hard to keep up with.
  • Clips of the "T-Shirt" video appear in the background of the video for "Can You Find It?", but the actual video itself had remained unreleased until it was posted to YouTube by the video's animators, Asterisk, in January 2007. In the YouTube description, it was sarcastically stated the song was considered "TOO HARDCORE for the big D corporation."
  • The video was directed by Asterisk, animated by Doug Compton, directed by Richard O'Connor, and produced by Brian O'Connell, with After Effects compositing by Alexandra Reshanov, and Karen Squillaro and Winnie Tom as assistant animators.

Song Themes

Animals, Clothes, Food, Letters Of The Alphabet, Money, Plans, Plants, Recursion, Shapes, Temperature


  • Official video - Watch it on Youtube.png

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T-Shirt is currently ranked #922 out of 1018. (27 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.02)