From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Subliminal |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | John Henry, John Henry + Factory Showroom |
year | 1994 |
first played | May 11, 1994 (207 known performances) |
run time | 2:45 |
sung by | John Linnell, John Flansburgh joins in near the end |
- Flansburgh wrote the lyrics, and then Linnell added the music and sang the song.
- From the FAQ circa 1997 - "What is the backwards message on 'Subliminal'? It is not a message, just the vocal and drum track reversed."
Song Themes
Accidents, Backwards, Bad English, Canon, Eyes, Recursion, The Senses, Songs With Handclaps, Swing Feel, Traded Tracks, Transportation
- Watch it on
– Recorded live on February 28, 2009 by CapitalQ
Current Rating You must be logged in to rate this. You can either login (if you have a userid) or create an account with us today. Subliminal is currently ranked #45 out of 1034. (200 wikians have given it an average rating of 9.09) |
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