Mirrors And Reflections
From This Might Be A Wiki
Central theme
- I Am Alone - "I am alone in the three part folding mirror / On the bathroom door"
- She's Actual Size - "Squares may look distant in her rear view mirror / But they're actual size / As she drives away" — The song was inspired by the phrase "Objects in mirror are closer than they appear", commonly found on side view mirrors of cars to warn drivers of the effects of their convex surfaces.
Briefly mentioned
- 7-11 - "Two-way mirrors on the wall"
- Backstabbing Liar - "See the mirror and reflections in the light"
- Best Of Spin The Dial - "This is an honest reflection of my personal expression"
- Circular Karate Chop - "Afternoons in the mirror doing pop and lock"
- Date At The Dimestore - "Cried in my mirror"
- Dead - "I'll never see myself in the mirror with my eyes closed"
- Friday Night I Want To Go To The Disco - "I see a mirror and I pick my stance", "A billion mirrors, a million chances"
- Fun Assassin - "Like a mirror in the dark"
- I Love You For Psychological Reasons - "Nearing perfection but wisely electing to shun my reflection, preferring instead shoe inspection"
- Let Me Tell You About My Operation - "Rear-view mirror thrown away"
- Moonbeam Rays - "Haircuts in the mirror now"
- No One Knows My Plan - "You my mirror"
- Nothing's Gonna Change My Clothes - "And the mirror, it reflects a tiny dancin' skeleton"
- Now That I Have Everything - "The mirror on the wall / Won't talk to me at all"
- Philadelphia - "I look in the mirror, no one there"
- Rat Patrol - "Wilderness of mirrors shine"
- South Carolina - "The red reflector fragments strewn around"
- She Thinks She's Edith Head - "And I saw her reflection / In the window of a store"
- There's A Light Coming Out Of My Head - "I walked to the mirror to see / The light bulb on my head"
- Till My Head Falls Off - "Clearing my throat and gripping the lectern, I smile and face my audience clearing his throat and smiling with his hands on the bathroom sink"
- Unctuous Robot - "When I'm admiring my reflection"
- The World's Address - "Now my tearstains on the wall reflect an ugly sight", "A sad pun that reflects a sadder mess"
Honorable mentions
- Diving Board - "The swimming pool can see the board / Refracted through the gentle waves"
- I Palindrome I - palindromes display reflective symmetry