From This Might Be A Wiki
Songs that involve islands.
Central theme
Briefly mentioned
- Born In A Graveyard - "Born on Long Island"
- Damn Good Times - "Who got off of the island on a helicopter"
- Hot Cha - "First time Hot Cha went away, a floating island was his home"
- John Postal - "Read my Yelp review of Riker's Island"
- Moles, Hounds, Bears, Bees and Hares - "Out on this island right here"
- New York City -"Staten Island Ferry," "Coney Island"
- Sleeping In The Flowers - "You'd proclaim that you're an island"
- Wait Actually Yeah No - "On a south sea island"
- Weep Day - "I never went to the tropical island"
Honorable mention
- Alphabet Of Nations - The island nations "Dominica" and "Japan" (as well as "Australia" and "Fiji" in the extended version.)
- Elephants - The island nation "Sri Lanka"