Addiction, Compulsion
From This Might Be A Wiki
Songs where substance (alcohol, nicotine, coffee, drugs, or ambiguous), addiction, or some other form of self-compulsion is referenced or thematic.
Central theme
- Anecdote is a story about a stale pot smell that followed the band during shows.
- Anaheim - "So put away the hash pipe, the pornography, and the booze"
- Applause Applause Applause - A song about people being "helpless and obsessed" with receiving applause
- Arrest The Cigarettes
- The Bells Are Ringing - "They are persuaded by the music of the bells, they're not responsible for anything they do"
- Christmas In The Big House - "...for smoking rubber cigars"
- Darling, The Dose
- Daylight - Flansburgh stated, "The song is really about addiction and being really lost in addiction."
- Dinner Bell - Pavlovian food neuroses
- Drink! - Alcoholism an implied motif; "On a cigarette break"
- Hearing Aid - "More coffee for me boss 'cause I'm not as messed up as I want to be"
- John Lee Supertaster - "Can't shut his mouth"; ironically, "Can't drink coffee or beer"
- Lie Still, Little Bottle - "Black coffee's not enough for me, I need a better friend"
- Pandor Jingle
- Renew My Subscription - "Already past my quota, I want another load o' those magic pills"
- Sketchy Galore - Withdrawal-induced manic search for drugs
- Spiraling Shape - "Putting all reason aside you exchange what you got for a thing that's hypnotic and strange"
- The Statue Got Me High - "The stone, it calls to you (you can't refuse to do the things it tells you to)"
- Teenagers Are Going - Uses audio clips from a documentary about marijuana
- Thunderbird - "I know, I know, I said that I would quit. All right, I promise, no more after this"
- Till My Head Falls Off - Pain killer addiction
- Unsupervised, I Hit My Head - Coffee addiction
- Your Own Worst Enemy - "Full bottle in front of me, Time to roll up my sleeves, And get to work, And after many glasses of work, I get paid in the brain"
Briefly mentioned
- Certain People I Could Name - "Watch her little gestures as she lights her cigarette"
- Kitten Intro - "Put away your big blue cigars"
- Lucky Ball & Chain - "And now I rock a barstool and I drink for two"
- Operators Are Standing By - "Smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee"
- Pon Pon (Demo) - "Splitting a bunk with a mariner drunk"
- Rowboat Mayor - "For a pack of cigarettes I will tell you later"
- Sleeping In The Flowers - "I got a ride home with a drunk guy"
- South Carolina - "Garçon, summon up a new cocktail"
- They'll Need A Crane - "Gal thinks Jim Beam is handsomer than lad"
- Up The Junction - "She left me when my drinking / Became a proper stinking"
- Wearing A Raincoat - "You will turn to drugs to help you sleep"