Larger Than Life

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song name Larger Than Life
artist They Might Be Giants
releases I Palindrome I (EP), The Guitar (The Lion Sleeps Tonight) (EP) (12" release), TMBG Clock Radio (as She's Actual Size), Podcast 10A
year 1992
run time 4:17
sung by John Flansburgh, Miss Linda And Sensi

The lyric sheets to "Larger Than Life", provided by Joshua Fried in 2019[1]


Actually both remixes started from the idea of the tempo and what sort of twisted spin I could make on a given BPM. "Larger Than Life" was a continuation of my pots-and-pans percussion on electro-roots reggae that started with "Jimmy Because." The production values were much higher on "Larger Than Life", although in retrospect and judging from the response of fans it seems like "The World's Address" was somehow more engaging. Or maybe it’s that "The World's Address", being on Bar None/Restless/whatever got more traction than just another single on Elektra.
  • John Flansburgh, introducing the song in 1992: "Joshua Fried, a friend of ours, [...] did this remake. It's like a remix, only he sort of started from scratch. We rerecorded all of our parts to it, rerecorded the horn parts."[3]

Song Themes

Language, Mind Control, Hypnotism, Money, Non-John Vocals, Religion, Supernatural, Remixes, The Senses, Shapes, Size, Songs With Samples, Spoken Word, Transportation


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Larger Than Life is currently ranked #979 out of 1035. (32 wikians have given it an average rating of 6.75)