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song name Avalon
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Free Tunes
year 2004
first played September 18, 2004 (1 known performance)
run time 2:13
sung by John Linnell


  • Venue song for the Avalon Ballroom, which closed down in late 2007.
  • This song was called "Improv Avalon Tune" at the theymightbegiants.com download store, however its proper title would most likely be "Boston", in keeping with official naming conventions.
  • Neither the physical nor digital releases of Venue Songs included this song. The only place where the whole song was available was at the now-defunct theymightbegiants.com download store, where you could buy the whole show performed at the Avalon in Boston, MA.
  • The keyboard melody is the same as that of the Sesame Street theme song.

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Venue Songs


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Songs In D Major