Youth Culture Killed My Dog (1985 Demo)

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Youth Culture Killed My Dog
artist They Might Be Giants
releases 1985 Promotional Demo Tape #1, 1985 Demo Tape
year 1985
run time 2:58
sung by John Flansburgh, John Linnell backs


  • "This is the original demo recording of Youth Culture made at TMBGs home studio before the Studio PASS sessions. A little more raw, especially in the vocal dep't." -John Flansburgh, 2011
  • There is a slightly different vocal effect from the re-recording on The Pink Album.

Song Themes

Animals, Colors, Death, Games, Mind Control, Hypnotism, Music, References To Other Songs Or Musicians


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Youth Culture Killed My Dog (1985 Demo) is currently ranked #251 out of 1032. (12 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.67)