Youth Culture Killed My Dog (1984 Demo)
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Youth Culture Killed My Dog |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | 1984 Promotional Demo Tape, Bill Krauss Demos, The Frank O'Toole Show |
year | 1984 |
run time | 2:22 |
sung by | John Flansburgh, John Linnell on backup |
- Features the electric guitar removed from the final version, as well as Linnell on the sax. Flans is free with his vocals and his voice warbles. It also has a bouncy rhythm, mainly due to the bass line.
- Robert Christgau called this song "stirring" in a September 25th, 1984 issue of the Village Voice.[1]
Song Themes
Animals, Colors, Death, Games, Mind Control, Hypnotism, Music, References To Other Songs Or Musicians
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