White Sport Coat

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name White Sport Coat
artist Meat Puppets
releases Backwater, Raw Meat
year 1994
run time 2:09
sung by Curt Kirkwood; John Flansburgh and John Linnell contribute backing vocals


Our manager at the time, Jamie Kitman, I think he still manages They Might Be Giants, so [he] knew those guys a little bit. I just met 'em. I didn't know 'em very well, but once we recorded it, they heard it and they were like "Hey, can we do that?" "Hell yeah, that'll be fun." So it was done already and they went and slapped that on there — just took it right out.
  • In 2021, John Flansburgh reflected on recording this song:[2]
I am happy the White Sport Coat recording worked out, but it was tricky! From the jump the White Sport Coat set up was as complicated as possible. We were on our own with Pat Dillett, working on the demos for John Henry at Excello in Brooklyn (which was a brand new studio) when the tape arrived. The studio was replete with analog equipment so that part was not a challenge). However the 2" reel of tape that arrived had scant notation on it (other songs and jams, no specific tracking information, etc. so we had to kind of make a mix) I also remember feeling kind of bad that I couldn't perform an easy harmony part that sounded smooth and in the pocket. There was zero prep so it really felt thrown in.

Song Themes

Clothes, Colors, Dreams, Loneliness, Long, Long, Love Gone Sour, Non-John Vocals, Parties, Time


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