TMBW Userboxes
AGE: 16
This user is 16 years old.
This user uses he/him pronouns.
This user is also on Ween Wiki.
This user runs Jim Noir Wiki.
This user became a TMBG fan in 2020.
This user's favorite TMBG video is Ana Ng.
This user doesn't know which John they prefer.
This user plays bass.
Hello! I'm Hayden, otherwise known online as HayBombYT or simply HayBomb. I got into They Might Be Giants in 2020 properly, though when I was really young I watched the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse series and unknowingly listened to them that early in my life. Since 2020, I've been consistently listening to the band and their side projects. I got my twin User:HuxP into them around when I started listening to them, and she started to listen to them without my involvement in 2022 and loved it. My best friend User:JaxxtinGrand got into them around the same time Michelle did, although not because of me. One day at lunch he quoted Istanbul (Not Constantinople) because his history teacher at that point played the music video, and I turned to him like stone and said something like "Did you just say what I think you said?" After that point, he became a fan of them with my involvement and we've bonded over the band since then. What a cool band y'know!